Happiness was the most widely searched term on Google last year. Everyone wants to be happy. However, one of the biggest things that can take you away from your inner peace is being…
Living in a compassionate, loving and enlightened way is our natural state. Too often stress, anxiety and depression, with fleeting moments of happiness are seen as normal. Alternatively, we can…
We all want to create good family relationships. We can be hard on ourselves when our relationships flag. Fabulous family relations are possible. Sometimes all we need to do is change…
When a child joins a family, that family should already stand for something. ~ Ian and Mary Grant One of the things I love about my family is that we love…
Unconditional love is when we love someone without condition. We live our life as an expression of love regardless of other people. This way of being can inspire others to…
Feeling more loving is a beautiful benefit of conscious relationships. As we accept all of ourselves and feel more consistently loving, we feel more loving towards others, EVEN if they…
When we are unhappy there is usually some sort of block preventing us from experiencing the full beauty of life that exists all around us all the time. When we…
Nobody else can know what is right for us; what might be fine by their standards may not be fine by ours. Basically, if it’s not a win-win situation, it’s…
No one wants a relationship that is complacent and boring, yet incrementally this can happen over time. A longer term relationship can decline slowly, until both parties realise that their…