Forgiveness is a common issue to struggle with. Yet when you hold onto painful memories or grudges from the past, it prevents you from enjoying the present. It prevents you from being…
Everyone yearns for warm loving relationships but sometimes we get the opposite. Fear that our partner is disloyal, will hurt or desert us in some way, for example. We can even…
Between three and five, children learn to grow emotionally by interactions with adults and peers. By aiding their emotional growth, children are more likely to attain emotional mastery as adults.…
A mind that is lost in thought, or one that overthinks, can create pressure and tension, within our body. This can lead to us feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. Anxiety…
Where does the key to emotional stability, to inner peace and happiness lie? Peace and happiness are feelings, so in fact it is our feelings that we need to explore…
Relationships can create the greatest joy or the greatest pain—including the relationship you have with yourself! When you are aware of your behaviours, it is easier to create the relationships…
Life can sometimes feel cruel and unfair. People can say and do unkind things to us that take us away from our peace in what seems like a nano second.…
When we are struggling, stressed, or in pain, our ego is firmly in charge. When we feel loving towards ourselves and others, we know we are connected to our true loving nature. When…
Making peace with your past helps you to experience the present more fully. In a present state your attitude toward life becomes lighter. If thoughts about the past are negative,…