It is important to remember that we would never actively choose beliefs that create pain and suffering for ourselves. These are beliefs that we pick up due to our conditioning: beliefs we have taken on from our external world. The power of working with our energetic world is, with our awareness we can consciously choose the beliefs. As a result, this allows us to be the strong creators of our lives. If our life is not as we want it, chances are unconscious beliefs are at play.
We are only limited by our imagination and ability to enjoy to the magic of life. When we replace our fears and doubts with peace and joy, our lives begin to flow.
We might ask, “What do beliefs have to do with relationships?” The answer is everything! We take ourselves and all of our beliefs into a relationship. If we believe we are not worthy of love, it will be hard for our partner to give us love. In relationships, our beliefs are vital.
Unhappy relationships can be positively transformed with some solid awareness around our thoughts. Because how we feel, our attitudes has an impact on everything we do, including relationships. When we think differently, our lives will be different.
This process of changing beliefs is part of the journey to understanding the chaos that thoughts and emotions can create. With practice, it is possible to live more in a state of presence—resting in our inherent loving energy within. From this strong intuitive state, we are able to make loving decisions that support our relationships and journey through life.
In our timeframe it is possible to be strong enough and collect enough positive energy to allow us to consciously choose to rise above fear and limited thinking. It is entirely possible to live a joyous and conscious life— creating the life of our dreams. We may experience challenges from time to time, but with our emotional mastery skills we can work through them until we feel empowered and flowing once again.
With practice, increased mastery of this process becomes quicker and easier, just like learning to drive or tying your shoelaces.
In terms of your life and relationships, instead of reacting to our unconscious thoughts and resulting emotions, we can feel more at peace and harmony.
Furthermore, it can be powerful to actively feed our mind with the images of the life that brings you joy.
Personally I have had wonderful results in my life using creative visualisation. One technique is to vividly imagine the life that you want in full colour from an emotional place. Feed your inner world with thoughts and images that make you feel excited to get out of bed every day. Don’t hold back—imagine a limitless life— because you are a powerful creator of joy and magic.