Our children are usually a reflection of ourselves. If we are truly, deeply content to our core, our children will be a reflection of this. If we are carrying unresolved emotional issues from our past, any imbalance in our children can be a reflection of this (we may be unconscious of this as we have repressed them, that is held them down, as we did not have the skills to deal with them at the time). Imbalances can include emotional issues or physical disorders. If we are open to it, children can assist in bringing up our repressed feelings for healing.
If so, it can be helpful for them to feel and observe these feelings and heal them. Once this is done, the parent will feel more whole, happy and centred, and the child will respond accordingly. Thus, parent and child support each other in expanding their awareness and consciousness, creating a happy and healthy life.
When my children were younger, they either suffered from coeliac disease, asthma or sharp pains in the chest. While of course I sought professional advice from both medical and alternative sources, I took the opportunity to see what these disruptions in their energetic sources meant as a reflection of me. As kinesiology and counselling helped me to heal my unresolved grief, hurt and anger, my children’s illnesses became a thing of the past. Today, I am happy to report that, as I am emotionally strong and stable, my children’s emotional and physical well-being are flourishing.
Unresolved emotional issues in women can present as post-natal depression. When a mother is with her new born, her unresolved emotional issues between herself and her mother can come to the surface for healing. Any emotional disturbance in the form of depression, anxiety or stress, is an opportunity for emotional growth and healing.
In relation to wounded men, it’s shocking that 30% of domestic violence starts in pregnancy (womensaid.com). An impending birth can trigger unresolved issues in the father. If he is unaware of his inner world and is unable to control his unconscious emotions, he can act out on the feelings in a devastating way for both the mother and unborn child. In both of these cases, professional support should be gained to heal these feelings generated from the past.
If our own sense of attachment was not fully developed with our own caregiver, the feelings of isolation and separation can come up when we have a child. These things are often seen as genetic, but according to the principals of kinesiology they are energetic. Seek professional help to work through and heal any unresolved feelings in order to allow you to form a secure attachment with your babies; do not leave these feelings simmering under the surface.
Healing our past and unresolved issues is a gift to everyone, as it can ensure that we are not acting out inappropriately to innocent people around us: often the ones we love the most. Healing our past allows us to become more present, that is, in the here and now, and able to enjoy the present moment. In our natural state, we are free of repressed emotions from the past.
Clearing old issues allows us to parent with clarity, as past emotions are not clouding our judgment. Rather than parenting in an enmeshed way, where our issues get tangled up with and passed onto our children energetically, we parent from a place of loving empowerment within. This sets up positive energetic patterns for our children. Our energy flows freely, allowing us to feel full of vitality, happiness, and joy. Parenting from this loving state provides a stable foundation for our children’s self-esteem.