Last Thursday my two daughters set off to Melbourne for a 3 day holiday to celebrate my eldest daughters 14th birthday. Unfortunately, we were 10 minutes late to the airport and missed the plane! We were travelling with Tiger airways who have a strict policy regarding closing checkout, 45 mintues before departure. We were unaware of this and proceeded to the departure gate. All passengers were allowed to board the plane except a small group of us, who had missed check-in (we weren’t the only ones). When all the other (checked-in) passengers were boarded and the door firmly closed behind them, a Tiger airlines representative told us we were unable to catch our scheduled flight. Instead we would have to catch the next one. It was kind of infuriating, that there were vacant seats on the plane and we had time to board it, yet there was no way we could get on the flight!!
The gentlemen then proceeded to tell us that it would cost us each an extra $85 to get on the next flight (which was due to leave in four hours). The tickets had cost us $99 each in the first place, so it was almost like paying for the tickets all over again. Inside I wanted to get so angry, say it wasn’t fair and really argue our case, but a little voice inside me was also saying that we were late, and that Tiger’s policy was clear and we needed to step up an take responsibility for our actions. So instead of yelling and carrying on, (like my ego so desperately wanted to), I explained calmly to the children that this was a learning experience, showing us that we really needed to be on time in future.
While I was buying the tickets for the next flight, the gentleman also explained to me that unless I wanted to pay an extra $21 in credit card fees, I would have to go to the nearest teller (just a few minutes walk) and withdraw the money so I could pay in cash. I could feel my anger rising again, regarding the additional credit card charges at $7 per ticket. However, I just accepted the situation (after all, the man on the gate didn’t MAKE the policy) and instead made an inquiry. I asked if we were able have seats that were as good as the ones we had booked on the flight we had missed (which were row 5)? He smiled at me and said he would try to do even better.
Feeling satisfied that something good was to come of this, I felt a little consoled and trudged off to get the money out of the teller. On my way back with the $255 in my hot little hand, I felt my ego firmly beginning to get a grip. I wanted to throw the money at the guy at the counter and say: “I am NEVER EVER, going to travel with Tiger airways again!!” However, I asked myself “is that the type of person I wanted to be in front of my beautiful daughters?” “Is that really a good example to yell at someone who doesn’t make the rules and blame him for us being late?” So I decided to take the high road and graciously hand over the money with the best smile I could manage!!
Then things took yet another turn for the worse. I was told that instead of being in row 5 or better, we had been seated in row 9! I instantly felt let down and wanted to get REALLY ANGRY, but instead I forced myself to sit down with the girls to process this latest piece of information. Mmmm… I was not impressed, as he had not delivered what he said he would, so I decided to go over to him and say politely “You promised we would get a better seat than row 5, is this still possible?” He firmly said he had only promised he would try to get us better seats if he could. This was not my recollection, but yet again despite my instinctive reaction to argue the point, I decided to let it go, accept the situation and sat down again.
A few minutes later, the same gentleman came over to us and said: “I’ve been able to seat you in rows 1a, 1b and 1c”. I was completely surprised and really pleased that I had been able to keep my cool after all. The girls and I made the most of our four hour wait at the airport: morning tea, lunch and lots of quality chats, fun and laughter. A nice way to start our holiday together. We then boarded the plane, sat in our great seats and discovered we have the most fabulous stewards flying with us. They were lovely to the children, gave us free food and we could not have had a better flight.
I felt proud of myself, in this instance, to rise above my ego (which wanted to fuel the drama and make the situation worse for everybody) and not let it ruin our entire day despite and unexpected beginning. Instead I accepted the situation exactly as it was in front of me. All pain is caused by resistance to what is. We all learnt a lesson about being on time and respecting the boundaries of others. We experienced the joy of being present in the moment. I was reminded that when you accept things as they are rather than push against them, it is possible for things to turn out better than you can imagine.
Are there any areas in your life that you need to accept and let go off? When you do this will release any resistance and you will flow with life again
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