As humans mostly what we want is to feel loved and to be loving. Yet this is a challenge to all of us at various ways as it is common to struggle in our relationships. Often it is our our romantic relationships can present the greatest challenges as all. According to the National Centre for Health Statistics, 65% of married couples break up over a 40 year period and 46% of second marriages in the United States, end within the first 10 years. Love is a feeling and to feel comfortable and loving, we need to feel comfortable with all our feelings. Otherwise the ones we are not so comfortable with such as anger, sadness and hurt can take us by surprise and we can unconsciously act them out in our relationship. It is helpful to be able to accept and validate our and our partners feelings so they flow freely through our energetic system in a natural and harmless way.
Men sometimes were not “allowed” to feel as readily as women when they were younger. They were taught to be strong and to put on a brave front when they felt emotions such as sadness. This is at the expense of retaining the ability to observe and allow their emotions to flow.
What allows our emotions to flow is the ability to observe them in a non-judgemental way—that is, without labelling them as being good or bad. Being taught to repress emotions while growing up is what leads to adult males feeling emotionally disconnected and not as in tune with their emotions as they could be.
Many women, too when growing up were given the message that the more difficult emotions such as: anger, fear, sadness, hurt and disappointment were not OK to be widely expressed. Instead it was important to smile and look happy which had the result of a disconnection to how they were really feeling inside.
It is generally more acceptable for girls to express their emotions. As a result, often they grow up to be more comfortable, and able to process their feelings. This ability to tune into, process and express emotions is what will take our planet forward in a positive direction. Love and compassion are emotions and these are the qualities that will evolve our planet in a peaceful, fulfilling and harmonious way.
I think the greatest discovery will be made along spiritual lines. Here is a force which history clearly teaches has been the greatest power in the development of men. Yet we have merry been playing with it and have never seriously studied it as we have the physical forces. Someday people will learn that material things do not bring happiness and are of little use in making men and women creative and powerful. Then the scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of God and prayer and the spiritual forces which as yet have hardly been scratched. When this day comes the world will see more advancement in one generation than it has seen in the past four. ~ Charles P Steinmetz
Therefore, for our planet to evolve we must respect the human qualities that cannot be paid for by money. Love, kindness and compassion are not valued in monetary terms, yet are the foundation of a safe and harmonious world. When we start to value these qualities at a deep level, our world will advance in a major way.