When we are struggling, stressed, or in pain, our ego is firmly in charge. When we feel loving towards ourselves and others, we know we are connected to our true loving nature. When we recognise and shine love on our ego, we will begin to transcend mental suffering. When we no longer choose to judge our ego, we can begin to dissolve its power and operate our life from a loving foundation. When we oppose the our ego, we maintain its power. This is in accordance to Newton’s third law of motion: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When we accept the ego, we are able to integrate it into our psyche and feel more peaceful as we have diffused the internal battle. The ego was established to keep us safe; however, it operates from a basis of fear rather than love. We can make a choice to embrace the ego, transcend it, and operate from love rather than being driven by fear.
It can be humbling and empowering to recognise that faults perceived in others are often aspects of ourselves that have come up for healing. Once we own what we see, as our experience, that it is trying to teach us something about ourselves, we can begin to transcend the ego.
The three levels of connecting to love and peace are:
1. Personally. Acceptance is a sign that our ego is loosing its power. When we are taken away from our peace, lovingly recognise it as our ego at work. For example, when we find ourselves in pain, or feeling angry or guilty, lovingly recognise that is not who you are, but instead your ego at work. Focus on your breath; take your mind off the problem and focus on the present. Hand the problem over to your loving self, your intuition, or God (however you choose to see it); that will guide you back to peace.
Once we accept the duality within ourselves (both good and painful feelings, such as happiness and anger), we transcend labelling certain parts of ourselves as wrong or right. This is an integral part of loving ourselves just as we are. This step is essential in accepting and loving others as they are. We cannot transcend our pain by pretending it does not exist. Pain can be used as alchemy to transcend our natural loving state. By accepting pain rather than resisting it and looking to solutions when we feel loving rather than reacting and acting out in fear, we are evolving to a more loving and peaceful way of being.
2. Interpersonally. When we accept others as they are, we create loving relationships, rather than ones based on fear and judgement. When we see faults in others, it is a sign we are seeing them from the perspective of the ego. When our ego is not involved, we see others as the loving individuals they are. We can learn to relate to people beyond judgement and defence. In conflict it is possible to rise above blame and seeing problems as the other person’s fault. Learning new skills to appreciate and respect differences builds stronger, more loving and interesting relationships. Everyone experiences the world in an individual way, and it is respectful to let others experience the world their way.
Ego would have us think that we are right and that others who think like us are right. When we view people through the eyes of love, we are genuinely interested and respect their unique perspective. We become more open. When we view the world in this way, people are more comfortable to be themselves around us, as they do not fear judgement. It is difficult for people to grow and transcend behaviours while they are being judged and criticised. Even a hardened criminal who is shown deep love and respect (something they may never have experienced in their entire life) has the potential for transformation. As we learn to relate to each other in a loving way we can transcend the energy of the ego.
3. Globally. A major shift will occur on our planet when love replaces the controlling nature of the ego. When we accept that the ego has been instrumental in causing all violence, wars, and poverty, we make positive, lasting changes toward a more loving world. Judgement, striving to win at the expense of others, racial, cultural, and religious differences, have all been major sources of suffering. When we stop seeing challenging situations as something out there, beyond our control, we can effect change. When we collectively take responsibility for the state of the world as it is, we can transcend the energy of the ego. We can be loving individuals, engaged in loving relationships that in turn will have a flow-on effect in creating a world of peace.
When you operate from love, you create loving relationships, communities, and nations. When people embody love, it will become the predominant energy on our planet, and our world will transform to one of peace, love, and harmony.
Transform your life to one of peace and happiness.